Who I am

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In this section I can introduce myself to all of you.

altI graduated in Classical Archeology at the University of Milan with a thesis in Roman iconography on clothing, hairstyles and ornaments in the Julio-Claudius period (1st century AD). Following my "dream in the drawer", I moved to Rome to complete my academic training: I attended a two-year master's degree in "Musealization, Protection and Enhancement of Archaeological Heritage" at the University of Rome 2 Tor Vergata and a course in " Management of Cultural Heritage ”at Luiss Management.

I did an internship at the Civic Museums of Albano Laziale where I created an experimental archeology project on Roman fashion for museum teaching aimed at lower and upper school students; I collaborated with the Lazio Archaeological Superintendency on the occasion of the exhibition "Fashion and Beauty in Ancient Italy".  

I was Project Manager from 2005 to 2012 in the ARTPAST project for the creation of the AST'ARTE database created for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, in collaboration with the Carabinieri Artistic Heritage Protection Unit. 

From the 2003-2004 academic year I have been organizing and holding courses in Archeology and History of Art at the Unisped Experimental University.


alt altI am a licensed tour guide of the Province of Rome for the English language and in 2009 I opened the website www.laltraroma.net specialized in the creation and realization of “tailor made” tours for individual Italian and foreign groups.    

I have been participating since 2006 in the "Families and Culture" project organized by the Parish of St. John Bosco, for which in 2015 we created paths dedicated to Don Bosco's trips to the Eternal City, within the celebrations for the bicentenary of the birth of the founder of the Salesians ( 1815-2015).   

altaltSince 2002 I have collaborated with numerous Italian and foreign cultural and professional Associations operating in the Capital such as: 50 & PIU 'Fenacom, Società Umanitaria, Fogolar Furlan, PPU (Professional People in Urbe), Circolo Provinciale ACLI San Giovanni for the Project "Put a Sunday in Rome": guided tours to discover the wonders of the city dedicated to foreign residents in the Capital, funded by the Province of Rome and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Credito Artigiano Valtellinese and Hpe Italia, DXC, Rotary Club Roma Centenario, WIN (Women International Networking) and PWA Rome (Professional Women Association Rome), Meeters 2020.

Between 2014-2015 I created and created the "Discover Rome" itineraries aimed at students of the LeARn To program (The Program to Learn with Art) of the Rome Business School and in 2016 I organized and conducted tours for foreign high school students who they attended the Italian language and culture courses of the DilitItalian School.   


In the summer of 2015 I attended the Experience History of Art course at the Sotheby's Institute in New York. On 25 November 2015 I founded the Cultural Association L’altra Roma, of which I am President.

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